Twin Flame Journey Lessons Learned!

Channeled message from my higher self Shanae!

I’ve been on this journey for 9 years now. A few years into the journey l asked my guides why didn’t my divine masculine love me like I loved him and why did he run away.  

They said in Jesus fashion, why do you not love yourself and why do you run away from the other half of yourself. 

Back then, I thought that was an odd response and it didn’t stop the pain in my soul. But, in this now time I get it. 

I used to ask the same question about my parents, friends, and karmic partners.

Lesson 1: Getting rid of codependency needed to be mastered. Check!

There have been many times when my divine masculine would come towards me in his full divine glory and I would run away. Lol! 

Lesson 2: Fear of rejection needed to be mastered. Check! 

I didn’t understand why I was able to see our future so clearly and he didn’t (so I thought). I was racing towards the future but he just kept standing still. 

Lesson 3: Mastering patience and surrendering to divine timing. Check! 

My divine masculine and I are in a good place and our 3D bond is stronger than ever.
My mom and I are in a good place and our 3D bond is stronger than ever.
The Divine and I are one again. Life is great! 

The overall lesson I’ve learned on this journey is that all of us twins are Ascended Masters who came back to Earth in this now time to teach humanity how to ascend to the new 5D Earth.

We are all healing and growing from the inside out so be gentle with yourself! We’ve got this so let’s bring Heaven to Earth!

My beautiful divine feminine’s we are the leaders and the catalyst so I know it’s a heavy lift but Mary Magdalene and Isis did it with grace and strength that only the divine feminine can bring. 

My beautiful divine masculine’s you carry the cross of Christ for humanity which is the hardest cross to bear but you bear it well. You are the Sun so continue to shine your light bright towards the dark so we can bring Heaven to Earth once and for all! 

Have no fear beloved divine masculine’s, the divine feminine’s got your back because that’s how we roll. One soul together forever!

Oh yeah, once us twins become whole individually and come together in union with combined energies we will be rewarded with divine ecstasy beyond our wildest dreams. This I know with certainty from our loving I AM. 

Much love and light to you all! Namaste! πŸ™β€