Surviving Twin Flame Storms

This is just a moment in time so just sit back unwind and let the Divine do the rest. This storm shall pass too as they always do. I say this wholeheartedly after being on this journey for over 9 years and physically separated for the past 4 years. I’ve never loved my divine masculine more … Read more

6/6 Portal of Love Opening Up! Channeled message from my higher self Shanae!

Every thought is an emotionally charged wave of energy that travels faster than the speed of light.  A single thought will manifest into reality at some point, unless it is met immediately with an equal amount of emotion and opposite energy.  In order to change our reality, we must be mindful of our thoughts and the weight … Read more

April showers bring May flowers and romance! Channeled message from the Divine Masculine to the Divine Feminine in the form of a song!

Channeled message from the Divine Masculine in the form of a song. Much Love and light! Namaste! Song: If this world were mine by Luther Vandross and Cheryl Lynn Lyrics: If this world were mine, I’d place at your feet All that I own; you’ve been so good to me If this world were mine … Read more