Surviving Twin Flame Storms

This is just a moment in time so just sit back unwind and let the Divine do the rest. This storm shall pass too as they always do.

I say this wholeheartedly after being on this journey for over 9 years and physically separated for the past 4 years.

I’ve never loved my divine masculine more or felt as close to him as I do now. That’s because I changed how I respond to him in 3D versus in 5D.

This past week there was a moment when I felt my divine masculine’s anxiety level rise so I responded from my heart and let the rest go. A few days later he was so sweet and affectionate. 

Hint: Get to know your divine masculine the human being by knowing their triggers because you probably have the same ones.

Same with my karmic mother. We were about to get into a disagreement but both of us became internally aware and verbalized that we should back away from that topic. 

Hint: We are all learning how to communicate in a more loving way in this now time. Empathy is key as well as knowing that we are mirrors to everyone and everything we encounter because we are co-creators of our universe.

The more I learn about myself and understand why I chose to embark on the hardest journey of all my lifetimes combined. I realize how strong I am.

We are soldiers for Divine love, love of self, and love of humanity. This why the Divine sent us forth into the darkness so we could bring forth the light. 

I had several tower moments this past week and some unexpected offers of love but, I chose to wait for great (my DM) not good.

As the storms raged out of control around me, I remained calm, and I’ll be darn; the storm came and went and only left me a little bent.Β 

This is a time of disillusionment and testing of our hearts so be smart and discern with your heart. 

Here’s the trick to get through it. You must be truly willing and able to detach energetically from it all including your twin to gain your true divine self. Also, be strong in your heart’s knowing and never settle for less than true love.

We are being reborn with every passing storm so be strong my beautiful twins and find wonder in enlightenment.

We will get through this together because we are the dream team! Twin Flames Unite!

Much Love and Light to you all! Namaste! πŸ™β€