πŸ’• July 2019~Quote of the Day! πŸ’•

πŸ’•Quotes Written by Brenda Fields and Channeled from Shanae My Higher Self & Divine Feminine Counterpart of Twin Flame B&B!πŸ’•

July 31, 2019

“Let the Lion in your heart roar!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 30, 2019

“Fill your life with wonder and joy and your life will be like a baby with a new toy!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 29, 2019

“There are no small deeds when they come from the heart!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 28, 2019

“You master life when you realize that you’ve already mastered it!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 27, 2019

“Love your enemies on the inside, until you meet again on the other side!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 26, 2019

“It’s easy to see with your heart, what you can’t see with your eyes!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 25, 2019

“Be free to just be!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 24, 2019

“All that is, was, and ever will be done, has been done!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 23, 2019

“The Divine will tap on the window of your soul to make you whole!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 22, 2019

“Raise your vibration and your life will rise up to meet it!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 21, 2019

“My greatest happines is experiencing your happiness!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 20, 2019 (In Loving Memory of My Grandma Mary Fields!~Rest in Peace Moma! Love you always!)

“Never write a check, your ass can’t cash!”

~By Mary Fields (My Loving Grandma-RIP)~

July 19, 2019

“A teacher shouldn’t be modest with their teachings because if at least one person can learn from them then their work is done!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 18, 2019

“Always do what you love, love what you do, and you’ll never feel blue!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 17, 2019

“Earth is a learn as you grow planet so be patient and gentle with yourself!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 16, 2019 (Lunar Eclipse ~ Full Moon in Capricorn)

“There’s no greater self love than peace in your mind, body, and soul!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 15, 2019

“There is no right. There is no wrong. There just is, the all mighty presense of I AM!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 14, 2019

“Vibe high, lay low, until you’re ready to show the world who you truly are!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 13, 2019

“Someone or something will always trigger a childhood wound but once you realize it’s your wound that needs to heal and not theirs then you’re on your way to being healed.”

~Brenda Fields~

July 12, 2019

“Our heartbeats are the bio feedback of the Universe!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 11, 2019

“Honor your inner heart song for it won’t lead you wrong!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 10, 2019

“Be kind to yourself and each other because we are all transforming into our best selves at our own divinely guided pace.”

~Brenda Fields~

July 9, 2019

“If you care, be there!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 8, 2019

“Your feelings are always about you because they’re your feelings!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 7, 2019

“There’s a thin veil between life and death so live life to the fullest!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 6, 2019

“Life without love is tragic, so love without fear!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 5, 2019

“Some dreams are worth fighting for so keep on dreaming and fighting!”

~Brenda Fields~

July 4, 2019

“All souls, no matter how independent need the love of another to flourish in their true authentisicity.”

~Brenda Fields~

July 3, 2019

“When you let go of the fear of leaving the material world behind, you truly start to live!”

~Brenda Fields ~

July 2, 2019 (New Moon in Cancer and Solar Eclipse)

“If you flow with the cosmic wave of the universe, you will never get lost.”

~Brenda Fields~

July 1, 2019

“We are a collage of God consciousness!”

~Brenda Fields~