πŸ’• August 2019~Quote of the Day! πŸ’•

πŸ’•Quotes Written by Brenda Fields and Channeled from Shanae My Higher Self & Divine Feminine Counterpart of Twin Flame B&B!πŸ’•

August 31, 2019

“You control the game because you control your brain!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 30, 2019

“Sometimes, you have to crawl through a window when you’re unsure and walk through the door when you can handle more.”

~Brenda Fields~

August 29, 2019

“Keep your mind free and your heart open!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 28, 2019

“Don’t let the binds of the past, keep you from enjoying your future!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 27, 2019

“Be the host of your life!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 26, 2019

“Dream big, visualize, and project!”

~Brenda Fields~

~Brenda Fields~

August 25, 2019

“Take the training wheels off and run and grab the stars!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 24, 2019

“Spread your wings and do your thing!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 23, 2019

“Numerology is our path and Astrology is our plot!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 22, 2019 (In the words of my loving best friend/sister Nicole Reid ~ R.I.P.)
“Be kind to each other because we need each other!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 21, 2019

“Money don’t mean a thing if you’re soul can’t sing!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 20, 2019

“Step back and let toxic people fall into their own mouth traps!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 19, 2019

“Perfection is unattainable because we were born perfect!”

~Brenda Fields ~

August 18, 2019

“Don’t let wounded people tell you who you are!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 17, 2019

“Don’t allow your soul to get lost in the illusion of time!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 16, 2019
“Sometimes we get lost in the things we think, we know!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 15, 2019 (Full Moon in Aquarius)

“The Universe dwells within us so we are the projectors of our individual and collective reality!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 14, 2019

“Conquer the war within and then you will win the war around you!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 13, 2019

“Don’t get lost in the illusion of time!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 12, 2019

“Never go to bed with a price on your head!” (In the words of my loving Stepdad Jr. ~ R.I.P)

~Brenda Fields~

August 11, 2019

“Be true to you yet mindful of others!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 10, 2019

“Wipe the slate clean and start a new you whenever you feel you need to!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 9, 2019

“I think therefore I am; No, I am therefore I think!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 8, 2019 (Lion’s Gate Portal ~ Lion’s Roar!)

“Our scars don’t define us or make us diffiferent, they make us beautiful!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 7, 2019

“Things are not always what they seem because life is like a dream!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 6, 2019

“Listen with an open heart from the start!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 5, 2019

“Allow yourself to feel and be real about what you truly feel!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 4, 2019

“Let the truth be told, love is a gift to have, not to hold!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 3, 2019

“The innocense of a child is a gift that can be retrieved when you believe!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 2, 2019

“The great malefic Pluto’s rise is greater than it’s fall!”

~Brenda Fields~

August 1, 2019

“Be big, be bold, and let your heart roar like a Lion!”

~Brenda Fields~