Manifestation speeds up as Earth ascends to 5D!

The power of manifestation is speeding up at an exponential rate. Today, I was at Walmart picking up some prescriptions and doing some shopping. 

I was feeling really agitated but the girl at the pharmacy made me laugh so I was able to shake the feeling. 

I noticed that I still felt a bit of victim programming coming on when I thought about my grocery list. 

I was saying things like I bet they don’t have this or that so of course, they appeared to be out of some of my items. 

Once I realized that I was creating my own reality; in an instance, I decided to manifest what I wanted and refused to leave the store before I got everything I had on my list. 

I went back to search for the few items that were sold out and low and behold they were being put on the self. 

I was down to one very important item (my Dunkin Donuts coffee). Lol! I circled the aisle and even had the guy check his u-boat cart twice but he couldn’t find it so I moved on while still holding space in my consciousness for my coffee.

Just as I was about to check out I realized that I had missed one of the items on my list so I went back to get it. 

As I was leaving the aisle the guy approached me and give me the coffee that I was looking for. 

He apologized for not seeing it early. I said no problem and told him that he made my day because getting my coffee felt like I won an Academy award. Every little win counts!

The other workers in the aisle chimed in and said I know how that feels and we all had a good laugh. 

I proved to myself that we create our own reality. What used to take years to manifest is now taking minutes so be careful what you wish for!

Namaste! Much love and light, 