Time of Transformation

My beloved beings of light, in this time of transformation All of us are called to go within, face our inner demons and transform them into love and light Have no fear dear ones because the Divine is near Others that have gone before you and have experienced many dark nights of the soul Throughout … Read more

We Were Born For This!

We were born for this! All rays of light unite! Rainbow Warriors fall into place! 144,000 activate and initiate! Time to suit up! Archangels and Archeias, and Ascended Maters take the lead! The Divine Source is in full control, in this now moment! Much love and light to you all! Namaste and God bless! πŸ™πŸΎβ€

A Channeled Message from Nostradamus

I received this channeled message from Nostradamus on September 15, 2019, and updated on September 30, 2019. “Nostradamus told me that we are on track for a timeline shift around October 20, 2019, and November 20, 2020.” “The shift will be a bit rocky at first and there will be a shakeup in world governments … Read more

Full Moon in Sagittarius: This is a time of healing and seeing the bigger picture!

I had a dream that two angels were on each side of a waterfall pouring in the living water of divine healing into the river that I was standing in. When I asked my guides for clarity, they told me that it’s a time for healing so we can see the bigger picture of the … Read more

6/6 Portal of Love Opening Up! Channeled message from my higher self Shanae!

Every thought is an emotionally charged wave of energy that travels faster than the speed of light.  A single thought will manifest into reality at some point, unless it is met immediately with an equal amount of emotion and opposite energy.  In order to change our reality, we must be mindful of our thoughts and the weight … Read more