Poem: Dear Wounded Inner Child

Dear wounded inner child,
You are not your pain
You are not your deeds
You didn't plant the seeds
You cried out and no one came
You felt that you were to blame
So you went through life
walking with your head down in shame
all the while trying to hide the pain
Again I say to you inner child 
You are not your pain
You are not your deeds
You didn't plant the seeds
Stop the shame and forget the blame
Heal your heart and start anew
because you have to see life through
to get to the better part of you
Stand tall in your power and never cower 
For you are have freed yourself from the pain
that chained you to the memory
of the day you lost your power
Rejoice in the knowing that you are ever growing   
but don't regain your power by hurting others
Instead, reclaim your power by helping others heal
Leave this Earth with a smile like a child
all the while knowing that your inner child has been healed