The Phoenix Rising: The Blinding Light Amidst the Darkness! Natal Sun Conjunct Pluto!

I was inspired to write after watching a Youtube Astrology video on “Sun-Pluto Aspects – Especially in Woman | Personal & Planetary Soul Significance.” My Sun conjuncts my Pluto in the 11th house.

My Sun and Pluto in Libra are conjunct in my 11th house, my Venus/Eros/Pallas in Scorpio with Eros conjunct the AC in my 1st house, my moon in Leo in my 10 house, and my Mercury and Uranus in Libra are in my 12th house with Uranus conjunct my Ascendant in Libra. 

As well as, a stellium in Libra in the 11th and 12th houses and north node in Capricorn in the 3rd house. 

This explains why all my spirit guides are male and friends are men with an exception to a handful of women with more masculine energies. All my female family and friends have passed on. 

Growing up, I was bullied at home, at school, on the streets. Men were very controlling and possessive of me from as early as I could remember which was age 4. During my teens, I was abused by the young men who said they loved me, and I was even kidnapped.

Once I entered my twenties, I came into my own personal power and began taking control of my life. But as all newbies, I was a bit out of control and did whatever I pleased without regard to the feelings of others.

The karma was returned in my early thirties. I began to balance out my feminine and masculine energies in my mid-thirties. 

Now, I don’t have any problems setting personal boundaries whether I’m working with my masculine or feminine energies. 

Even though I was working with both energies for over a decade but my full integration didn’t start until the 11/11/18 portal. 

After experiencing many, many, many, dark nights of the soul since the 11/11/18 portal, I can say that I am whole once more.

I am grateful to all the men pushed me and the strong females that got me to this point in my life. 

In this now moment I am equally grateful to be able to assist the collective of humanity to shift their energy to the Divine Feminine essence. I’m truly honored, indeed!

Divine Feminine’s, I would love to hear how your experiences using your masculine energy was received or has changed your life.

Much love and light to you all! Namaste! πŸ™β€