Ascension Symptoms Update for the July 2019 New Moon in Cancer

I have been experiencing these ascension symptoms since the New Moon in Cancer on July 2, 2019, which is where my South Node is located.

Losing track of time and things. Sometimes I feel like I’m moving in slow motion while things around me are moving fast like I’m in a time warp. I haven’t felt this way since I was in my teens.

Feeling and remembering doing something that I later verified wasn’t done. I thought I paid a bill, but I didn’t. I thought that I didn’t pay the guy at the restaurant for the food but he swore I did.

Feeling like I’m living in two worlds. I was driving home from the store and came up to the stop sign on a street that I go down regularly but this time it looked different. I was so confused that I just sat at the stop sign for a minute and the street became familiar again.

Feeling like I’m in a constant battle with my internal self and the external world; especially, during sleep. I’ve been through this before and I know now that as a Lightworker, I’m transmuting karma for the collective.

My fingertips and my skin across my shoulders and back feel like erogenous zones so I’m forced to sleep topless without any covers. Oh, yeah! It’s Divine ecstasy time.

Seeing fairies in the shower, outside at night, and in photos taken outside at night.

Seeing energy waves move throughout my house.

Getting multiple downloads and having lucid dreams where I could feel or just be a viewer.

One of the most profound downloads I received was seeing Egyptian Hieroglyphics which triggered an emotion of a deep unbreakable divine love. I felt the complete fullness of my heart like Isis felt for Osiris. My heart chakra is overflowing with love.

Feeling a sense of peace amidst the chaos around me.

Feeling my divine counterpart and mother’s emotions as if they were my own.

Feeling disconnected from my siblings and friends but feeling close to nature and animals.

When I reawakened during the 11-11-19 portal I could only tolerate the sound of computer simulated voices and a couple of human voices. This has improved but I realize that the human voices I can tolerate better than most were my soul family’s voices.

What ascension symptoms have you been experiencing? We are all on this journey together so please share.

Much love and light to you all! Namaste!