Ascension Symptoms

Ascension Symptoms from the portal on November 11, 2019, until the full moon on May 18, 2019. After the full moon on May 18, 2019, the symptoms are less severe and pass more quickly.

Pain on the right side and back of my head. Pain in my right temple and behind my right ear. The pain was accompanied by heat and burning on my right side. 

Feeling tired, drowsy, dizzy, memory fog, and loss of time.

Feeling like I was walking on a rocky boat. 

Feeling energy buzzing throughout my body. Feeling energy going up and down chakras as well as throughout arms, hands, legs, and feet. 

Over 350 downloads and counting from my higher self.

Having lucid dreams and out of body experiences. On two occasions, once by myself and once with my twin. Both times were out of body experiences that took me towards the brightness, heat, and glory of our Source Creator. 

I could feel my etheric body get hot like the sun. I couldn’t turn back because the feeling of pure love was so overwhelmingly beguiling. So, I continued on until I couldn’t take the heat any more than I return to my soaking wet body.

Some of the new symptoms that started after May 18, 2019, are sensitive, itchy, and burning skin as well as breakouts.

What ascension symptoms have you been experiencing that’s not on the list?